I got a better idea, lets use the names we conjured up as our character identity!
Honestly, there are 6 jobs to remember, and you can recognize them in combinations, do you think people will recognize you quicker if you say your a magiknight or whatnot? I mean it isn't easier to remember 30 sub names then simply remembering the 6 exsisting titles in combination. Oh! but necrophiliac is shorter then N/E......... that saves time?........ wrong.
You can call yourself something grand, like Paladin Zain, and make a Warrior/Monk character, and play out a paladin role, but making official (and lame) secondary titles for every combination only adds more hastle, it does absolutly nothing to decrease LFG time.
Your a what again? a GeoWarrior?....... whats that again?......... lame.
Hows this, I named my N/Me "Kauket Dark Goddess" after the Egyptian Goddess of darkness and chaos, hey thats cool enough for me, I don't want an assigned "title".